eFXC And TTXGP Renew Agreement for 2012
30th January 2012
EFXC PRESS, Grant Creswell
Australian Road & Track Rider Promotions (ARTRP) and TTXGP are excited to announce the continuance of their relationship into the 2012 racing year.
The managing director of ARTRPTerry O’Neill commented “It’s great to continue our relationship with TTXGP, we had a good start last year in promoting what we believe will grow to become a very significant force in motor sports in this country. With TTXGP we see a partnership that can offer a great opportunity into the future of electric motorcycle racing here in Australia and worldwide.”
Rupal Patel, director TTXGP. “eFXC are a fantastic partner with which to grow electric racing in Australia and TTXGP is very happy to be working with once again their team to nurture the sport this year and into the future. Going into the second year of the TTXGP Australia eFXC series demonstrates our commitment to the partnership and most importantly to the teams and innovators in the region. We invite them to join in and strive to become Australia leading electric race team at the cutting edge of zero carbon technology and the next generation of motorsport.”
With the success of the fledgling eFXC/TTXGP 2011 electric racing season, 2012 is looking really bright with last season’s entrants poised to bring their new technology to the race track and show just how much faster they have become.
The inaugural series winners Team Catavolt are busily preparing for the 2012 season. Team owner Jon Eggenhuizen said "We have been developing our revolutionary hub motor in the off season to try and make it run cooler and therefore make more power, experimenting with both water and oil cooling options. We are also excited to be running with a different manufacturer's frame that will allow us so much more scope to run different battery and motor configurations, whilst having much more improved handling and suspension"
One of Terry O’Neill’s key drivers for this years electric series was to reduce costs and therefore the eFXC entry fees, “We worked hard with TTXGP to reduce the costs associated with electric racing here in Australia, for this season we have managed a reduction of just under 30% and some additional benefits.”
A number of interested bystanders watched last year’s start-up electric series with keen interest, contemplating starting their own assault on the 2012 eFXC/TTXGP Championship.
Mark Arnold from the Miark Inovation Team, “This leading edge form of motorcycle racing is extremely exciting and has huge potential, especially as the electric machines costs are starting to decline, interestingly at the same time the petrol based machines costs continue to rise and most racers, clubs and promoters are finding it increasing difficult to contain them.”
Mark’s team has designed a machine around a Yamaha R6 frame and running gear with a locally sourced high torque DC motor.
Dates and Locations for 2012 eFXC/TTXGP series:
AFXSBK TEST Eastern Creek Raceway (NSW) March 16th-18th
eFXC/TTXGP Testing under race conditions
AFXSBK Rnd 1 Wakefield Park Raceway (NSW) April 20th – 22nd
AFXSBK Rnd 2 Queensland Raceway (QLD) July 20th -22nd
AFXSBK Rnd 3 Wakefield Park Raceway (NSW) 31st August – 2nd September